Sunday, 26 April 2015

How to make a quote board

sorry about last week I have been so busy with handing in coursework and revising for exams which start in less that 7 days EEK! and of course I had my French speaking assessment which was interesting ...( well lets just say it didn't go very well but ill found out this week )

So how to make a quote board !

things you need:
a picture frame
coloured / patterned card
pinterest xx (or google)

I came up with this idea a few weeks back when i was board and I was scrolling through Pinterest which I LOVE !! an a tiny bit addicted to :). any way I was looking at my favourite travel quotes and I have got to say they all look really pretty.

 so I printed them all off and I was actually going to put them in my art book, because my theme for my exam is traveling ( which I hope to show you very soon before my exam) But I decided to place them in a frame, and I arranged them on a blank piece of paper you don't have to do it on a blank piece of paper you could use pattern of colour I did not have any card that would fit the frame so I just stuck with the one that came with the frame. I then stuck them all down and tada I have a picture frame of all my favourite travel quotes.You could do this with any quotes it doesn't have to have any theme it can be what ever you want.

I know that this is not really a step to step guide of how to create a quote board but you could really go any ware with this idea you could even make it 3d if you want I hope to post next weekend again I will let you know if I cant
kate x